maarmie's musings

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


This blog isn't for liars, cheats, thieves, weaklings, conformists or mean spirits. It's for people who value honesty, justice and equality and for those who don't mind getting their fingernails dirty to do the job and do it right - at any cost.

My name is maarmie, and I've had enough of backstabbers and misogynists and people whose minds and souls are as shallow as a puddle in the Sahara. Unfortunately, I've put my neck under the chopping block for people of this sort one too many times. Good executioners that they are, they never fail to swing the axe hard and end things in a mighty and swift manner.

I don't want to sound bitter just yet, though. I'd rather my personality be revealed to you slowly, methodically and in the time frame I have planned. Until then, sit back as I lay out my opinions for the world to see. Agree. Disagree. I couldn't care less. Just do me a favor, and think.

- maarmie

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