maarmie's musings

Monday, September 12, 2005

(White) House Surrounded

Mad as hell? Visible? Cohesive? GWB, there's a hole in your bucket, and it's getting ready to be filled.

About 100,000 anti-war protestors are expected to surround the White House for a rally on Sept. 24. According to the Washington Post, this will be the first time a protest has completely surrounded America's holiest of houses in more than a decade.

This happening and other anti-war events will take place throughout three days (Sept. 24 - 26) and will be sponsored by United for Justice with Peace and the ANSWER coalition. Umbrella groups include the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, the DeKalb Interfaith Network for Peace and Justice, Grandmothers for Peace, Historians Against the War, Jewish Voice for Peace, the Kalamazoo Non-Violent Opponents of War (KNOW), Texans for Peace, Korea Truth Commission and dozens more, according to the Post. According to the article, people's rage about the continuing war has recently been fueled by the minimal response to the Katrina disaster, the minimal response being blamed on a lack of resources due to the war. The groups stress they are not anti-soldier. They are anti-war. There's a difference, for you fuckers who can't see that.

Buses, vans and carpools, people, are carting in folks from all over the country for this powwow. I'm sanctioning a jump on this bandwagon if you can get time off work. I'd love to be there to talk to people, add to the mayhem and take photographs.

I got this info off Michael Moore's Web site. It's worth checking out.

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