maarmie's musings

Saturday, October 21, 2006

I did worse than I ever feared

Score in moments ago: 147

I guess I, in fact, will be attending the Florida Academy for Future Psychics and Lawyers. They churn out mostly psychics, but they churn out a few, ahem, lawyers, too.

No doubt about it. I'll be taking the LSAT again in December.


ceci n'est pas mon nom said...

So my "merde" didn't help then? Merde! Nonetheless, I'm sure you know that the aptitude most revealed by such tests is simply that of being good at taking tests. And after spending time away from full-time education, that's a skill which it's difficult to get back. (I've experienced the same thing.) Most people wouldn't even want to submit themselves to such a "remise en question". So I say: Don't get too down on yourself. You're still the intelligent and caustic maarmie of those eponymously-entitled and transatlantically-celebrated musings!

maarmie said...

No, dammit! Your "merde" jinxed me! And, yes, it's been at least 10 years since I've taken any kind of test. And I know I can do better. And now I'm going to wait a year. And now I'm going to get to go to Europe for a month next year like I have been planning. So, the way I see it, it's a lose-lose.


Thanks for the pick-me-up. Maybe when I'm in France next year, you can show me around.

ceci n'est pas mon nom said...

If you're around and I'm around and we're both around in the same place, then I'm sure I could get round to some showing you around!