maarmie's musings

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No pumpkin pie for maarmie

Tomorrow is my first Thanksgiving away from the United States. I won't be having any turkey (except a turkey sandwich for lunch), no potatoes, no stuffing and no pumpkin pie. C* and I printed out a recipe for pumpkin pie earlier then set out to find the ingredients. It's not so easy to find canned pumpkin over here, it seems. And there's no Publix around to just buy a premade one.

I guess I'll just have to suffer.

On another subject: Just because I've written about a few things that go on in Scotland or in the United Kingdom that I view as negative, that doesn't mean that I, in any way, regret moving here. Not for an instant. I am infinitely glad I moved here, and I am even more happy than that that I am with my sweetie.

I'm really very happy. Shocking, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Good. I'm glad. I was starting to worry.

Anonymous said...

If you can find a fresh pumpkin, all you need to do is bake it or steam it till it's soft. Very easy.

Anonymous said...

We could have had fresh pumpkin if we had celebrated Thanksgiving Canadian style - i.e. in October. However, as soon as Halloween has passed you've basically got more chance of G. Bush admitting he's a useless tosser and pulling out of Iraq than you have of finding a fresh pumpkin in the UK. Sad, but true.

If I'd have had more forethought I would have bought one in October and frozen the flesh for use now ... well, I'll know better for next year!

Thanks for the tip on cooking pumpkin ... never would have thought of that ...

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving Menu - UK style

*Turkey breast steaks
*Roasting potatoes
*Sage and onion stuffing
*Cranberry sauce
*Assorted veg.

Sorry babe, still no pie!
I refer to my previous comment =)

Anonymous said...

If you have sweet potatoes, you can make a pie very similar to pumpkin.

maarmie said...

Too late! The menu is set. We've added Yorkshire pudding to the menu of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, veggies and cranberry sauce. YUM!