maarmie's musings

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Introducing Elliot Grace Smith


ceci n'est pas mon nom said...

Hm! I can understand one would upon reflection want to avoid "the gonzo journalist who loved drugs and guns and died by making a new hole in his head with a bullet", but to then go and give the name of an albeit genius but nonetheless tragic musician ... ! To quote the beautiful and missed American Elliot:

Now she's done and they're calling someone/Such a familiar name/
I'm so glad that my memory's remote/'cos i'm doing just fine hour to hour, note to note.

That said, I'd've liked to have borne an equally inspiring name ...

maarmie said...

You're the second person to think that's who inspired the name. Not so. I didn't even know who Elliott Smith was until now. Hm. And I thought I was up on my music.

Anonymous said...

Nice name. Beautiful girl. What's not to like?