maarmie's musings

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Yes, I'm happy

Ok. I admit it. I'm happy Kenneth Lay is dead. I'm glad the founder and former chairman of Enron was found guilty for his actions. I'm glad he was awaiting sentencing. I'm glad he had a heart attack. And I'm glad he croaked. Because of his death, I'm starting to believe there may be such a thing as karma or...gulp!...god.

Now, what to do about the money...

I don't think his family should get a dime. Some people I know think his wife and kids should get to keep enough to live comfortably, but I think anyone who was married to him had to have known what a monster he was. Maybe his wife knew about the scandal? In any event, if she doesn't work already, I'd like to see her roll up her sleeves and wash some dishes or maybe work as a cashier at a local grocery chain. Make her burn off her sins with hard labor as she watches ALL THAT MONEY go back to the people from whom it was stolen.

His lawyer shouldn't get any of it, either. Any creep who would defend Lay deserves to be...shipped to my island? Oh, you haven't heard all about my island? It's that spot of land surrounded by shark-infested water in the middle of nowhere that's a little bigger than Manhattan and holds all the scumbags who have raped, murdered or molested. I think all the Enron thieves would make it there, too.

On this island, there is a limited supply of food and fresh water (each "inmate" gets some seeds upon arrival), and prisoners get to build their own homes. They get to make their own laws - or not. And there is no escape. Guards in towers with machine guns see to it. There, the psychopaths are able to live how they want and can rape and kill each other and eat each other for sport. No questions asked.

If only I were president...


JfA said...

I disagree this was karma. The man may have been found guilty, but he died before feeling any real consequences. Makes me wonder if he and Slobodan Milosevic had a pact . . .

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with executing murders and others who have proven their inability to live in a civilized society?

Anonymous said...

I just heard a podcast though that said Lay's estate was basically broke anyway. He had 50-something million in assets and around that much in debts to creditors that will still be paid. The "big" money he made had all been tied up in Enron, and those investments were just as worthless as all of his employees' pension funds after Enron imploded. His wife will still get 10M-plus in life insurance though. The government couldn't touch that either way.

maarmie said...

Well, hopefully Ken will come back as an ugly, nasty life form, like a horned beetle or something...